Due to the ease with which Diablo 3's gameplay translated to consolesand consoles alike, players should be expecting the same level of quality from D2R Items is a return to what is what made Diablo so popular in the first place yet still adhering to the parts included in Diablo 3 that were universally considered to be excellent. But it doesn't mean Diablo 4 is only the totality of the franchise's greatest features - it's actually introducing an open world to Diablo and a level of customisation that's as intriguing to players as it can be for the developers.
The official Twitter account for Diablo recently updated the profile picture of its account and released a teaser trailer, where it warns of the arrival of Lilith which could lead to a possible announcement by Blizzard about Diablo 4 in the next weeks, which will eventually provide Diablo 4's release date.
It's a busy time for gamers. The Game Awards 2022 showcase just a few days away, publishers and developers are confirming their participation in the event in which they will show new trailers from their upcoming projects. Diablo 4 is one of the titles that many insiders believe would be featured in The Game Awards 2022, and it appears that the predictions were not a waste of time.
With each passing day the odds are getting more favorable that we're going to be receiving an announcement that is major buy D2R Ladder Items announcement. Also, given that The Game Awards is now just three days from being held, the announcement could be made at the event. Although there's not been any officially confirmed information from Blizzard however, several sources seem to be quite certain regarding this.